Friday, January 16, 2009


Last night Jennifer and I went to our first dance lesson. It was a Christmas gift that I gave her this year, knowing that my two left feet would be a challenge to overcome. So we drove down to Rockford yesterday evening and embarked on this new journey.

Now this was not the first time we have done this. About six years ago we took lessons out in Montana, but my muscle memory for dancing is quite short. So after a little introduction, we were out on the dance floor, with me trying to avoid her toes.

Overall we did quite well - I never stepped on her feet and some of the steps came back quickly. But I was reminded that dancing takes a lot of thought and the two partners really need to work together.

I am not going to talk about the whole "life is a dance" thing today, instead I want to write about the power of direction and guidance. You see, as I was out there on the dance floor, the instructor continued to remind me which foot to use, where to step, and how to balance my body. After a few reminders, I started to do fairly well.

We all need some guidance at times in our lives. We need to be reminded which direction to go and how to avoid pitfalls that are in front of us. When we are given these reminders, and we listen to them, we see that life can get easier, and we can even have a little more joy.

So today, may your ears be opened to the Spirit who gives us direction in so many different ways, and may your hearts be opened to the joy God gives us when we listen.

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