Friday, February 12, 2010

Reaching Out

Yesterday we had a conference here that had to do with Outreach and the mindset of the church. We had some great speakers, and one of the main things I took away from it was that here we are already doing many of the things that they were talking about. But the hardest part for many to grasp is the fact that God is active in the world, and not only in the church.

For years church-goers thought that it was here, inside these walls and inside this community, was the only place where God was active and that we had to go "out there" to bring God to a broken world. But realistically speaking, creation is a gift from God, and he is already out there, in the world, doing his work. And we, who are a part of the church, need to get out with those who God is blessing and working through. In doing this we are participating with God and his activity.

In many was, this is common sense stuff. God loves to create, to bless, to empower, to build relationships with all people. And we are truly blessed to be a part of what he is doing in the world and in and through us. So may we all have our eyes opened to see that wonderful work that God is doing and may our hands be opened as well, so that we may work with God in this wonderful creation of his.

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