Thursday, July 3, 2008

Prayer Room 2

So - why did we decide to make a Prayer Room in the church? This question has been asked lately as we have been getting this room together and I thought I would answer it today.

Those who have been around Our Savior's for the past few years know that we have been in the Natural Church Development Process. This is a process where members of the church take a survey and we find out what our strengths are as a church, as well as our growth areas. One of our key growth areas has been Passioante Spirituality. Basically, this means that when it comes to prayer and spiritual matters, we, as a church, have some areas where we can improve. Over the years we have had a prayer week, devotional booklets, classes on prayer, and the formation of prayer teams. We decided to go one step further and have a place set up where people can come and pray in the church. We know that the sanctuary is always available, but this place in more personal, not as large, and designed for individuals or small groups.

So this led to the development of the prayer room. This space is in a quiet part of the building, and when you walk in the tone is set for a time of quiet reflection. The labyrinth is there to walk and pray with, an altar is there with a kneeler in front of it to set the tone, and there is a chair to sit and reflect in. All of this is designed to help us slow down and spend time with God. We are so busy in life that there are times when prayer gets pushed back and we miss the time in conversation with the one who created us, loves us, and calls us his beloved.

So today, I pray that you may have that time to slow down and commune with God. May you be blessed with the Spirit blowing through your life, and may you celebrate the gift of prayer.

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