Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Luke in 40 - Luke 14

Luke 14:1-35

Our reading today covers quite a bit of territory. There is a healing that takes place, a teaching about hospitality and humility,  and a parable about a great dinner that is opened up to everyone so that the banquet hall may be filled.

But the part the I want to focus on has to do with discipleship.

Remember, Jesus has set his face to go to Jerusalem. He has started the march to the cross, and part of this time is preparing his disciples for the ministry to take place after the death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus.

So there is this teaching on discipleship, and it is not a comfortable teaching at all. He talks about how family and work and possessions can get in the way of following Christ, and so to be a disciple means to have a change in priorities.

Is following Christ at the top of your to do list everyday? That is what Jesus is asking.

It is a struggle, because with so many other obligations and loves in our lives, including healthy ones like family, sometimes living out the gospel message takes a backseat.

So what can you do today to live out that gospel message in your life?

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